A Company of the Peiker Family
pei tel was founded in 1991 in Teltow near Berlin as a subsidiary of peiker acustic. Up until 1999, pei tel sold products from several radio manufactures, along with peiker’s classic line of LMR accessory products (audio products).
With the strategic realignment that began in 2000, the company took over the worldwide sales of the classic peiker acustic product portfolio (now listed as audio products). In 2006, pei tel received DIN EN ISO 9001 certification for the first time.

More than 70 Years of Experience
In addition to the classic peiker product range, peiker’s experience and know-how in the fields of radio and acoustics were passed on to the young pei tel team. At the same time, a development department was set up in Teltow and the systems solutions business segment evolved. The products from this business area include the PTCarPhone car phone and individual product solutions, such as the Z-Tracker personal tracking device and the ecoBART driving assistant. Furthermore, the range of electro-acoustic devices, e.g. microphones, loudspeakers, remote speaker microphones, different types of handsets and additional radio accessories, has been continuously expanded. One special focus was and still is project business and customer-specific product adaptations to the respective target system.
In 2011, pei tel became an independent company within the group of companies – A company fo the Peiker family – and was no longer a subsidiary of PEIKER acustic GmbH & Co. KG.
Since 2012, pei tel has been concentrating on further versions of the PTCarPhone retrofit solution, certifications for the automotive business, fire protection, public transport (busses and railway) and developing new markets and branches in addition to critical communications. These include bus and railway, automotive and aviation, as well as agricultural and construction machinery.
Most of the products were manufactured for pei tel by peiker acustic.

“Tradition becomes Future”
When in December 2015 automotive supplier Valeo announced the acquisition of peiker acustic GmbH & Co. KG based in Friedrichsdorf, pei tel was already a solid business and was able to act on its own despite the sale of peiker acustic.
pei tel spent the following four years transferring the entire production of the classic peiker product portfolio to its own site. What’s more, a completely new network of suppliers was formed and the entire product range was reviewed, condensed and prioritised. The logistics and manufacturing departments grew accordingly.
In this way, a new home was created for the products of the globally known “peiker” trademark.